Museum opening hours: 1 PM till 5 PM on Sundays: Starting June 1

South Oak St. Mentone, Indiana U.S.A 46539

5th Annual Rotors Over Mentone – 2014

More than a half dozen helicopters flew in for the “Rotors Over Mentone 2014” Event on Sep 6th. Special guest and speaker for the event was Mr. Joey Rhodes, or “Mr. Bell 47” as he is known to many in the helicopter industry. Joey is the currently president, CEO, and Hall of Fame member of the Bell 47 Helicopter Association (B47HA). The event offered helicopter rides by American Huey 369 (with membership) and Goshen Helicopter Inc. Food, drink, and free parking were also provided. Pictures from the “Rotors” event can be viewed in our Image Gallery. Below is an article written by David Slone from Warsaw’s Times-Union newspaper which covered the event.