Museum opening hours: 10 AM till 5 PM. Open on Weekdays.

South Oak St. Mentone, Indiana U.S.A 46539

9th Annual Rotors Over Mentone – 2018

Guest speaker for the “Rotors Over Mentone 2018” event was Phil Marshall, returning for his second year with another great presentation. Even though the weather did not cooperate in the morning for visitor helicopters to fly in, the weather did improve enough in the afternoon to allow for helicopter rides. In addition to rides from American Huey 369, Oldies 101.1 offered rides in their Robinson R44 Astro piloted by Gary Cleveland. The Bell Museum food tent kept busy well into the afternoon offering great sandwiches along with drink and dessert. Parking was free, as was the admission to the event.

Pictures taken from this year’s “Rotors” event can be viewed in our Image Gallery. Below is an article written by Phil Smith from, Kosciusko County’s Digital Daily Newspaper who covered the Mentone event.