Museum opening hours: 1 PM till 5 PM on Sundays: Starting June 1

South Oak St. Mentone, Indiana U.S.A 46539

Bell Museum Loses Board Member and Former Vice President – Ron Barker (Sep 2020)

Ron Barker pictured at Mentone Memorial Day Tribute in 2015 (left) and at Rotors Over Mentone with Board Member Jessica Richardson in 2018 (right)

The Bell Aircraft Museum was saddened this past summer with the passing of Ron Barker on July 31st. Ron had recently stepped down this year after serving on the Museum Board. Ron was born in Warsaw, IN in 1947. After graduating from Warsaw High School in 1965, Ron attended Career Academy of Broadcasting in Milwaukee, WI where he graduated in Feb 1966. Later in May 1966, Ron went into the U.S. Navy and served as a radioman until he retired in 1988 with the rank of E7 chief petty officer. In January 1989, he started work at ITT Corporation in Fort Wayne, IN. He would remain at ITT until 2009, where he would retire as a COMSEC communications managing supervisor.

Ron had lived in Mentone with his wife, Sue since October 1988. He was a member of the Bell Museum Board and was elected Vice President in 2014. He served as guest speaker for the Mentone Memorial Day Tribute in 2015. His health in the past year has kept him from serving as he would have liked to. Ron was always a willing worker and added lots to the different activities of the Museum. He played a big part in helping with the Museum’s Vietnam wall, the float and preparing for events. He enjoyed very much working with the group to further the many plans to make the museum a success. He will be missed.